Maria specializes in matters of the civil, transport and private international law; civil process, including international and arbitration processes; and international commercial arbitration.

Maria has experience in conducting both Russian and international projects. She handles cases in state courts and arbitration tribunals, and she also deals with contractual work.

Key projects include:

• representation and protection of interests of one of the most prominent Russian oil companies in a dispute with the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation arising from accusations of illegal dominating on the market of oil transportation services;
• protection of legal rights and lawful interests of an Estonian company in respect of the cryptocurrencycollected during ICO, access to which was denied by the developer of the ICO software;
• protection of interests of Russian and foreign shipowners in cases of arrest and release of ships within administrative and civil procedures;
• protection of interests of Russian and foreign companies in cases of damage caused by oil pollution;
• representation of shipowners' interests in the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation within the framework of various disputes arising from the chartering of vessels;
• representation of interests of individuals and legal entities within the framework of bankruptcy procedures;
• recognition and enforcement of foreign judicial and arbitral awards on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Maria graduated from the Department of International Law of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University).

Maria speaks English, German and Greek.

Maria studies in depth the issues of the transport law related to a compensation for damage caused by the air transportation and protection of passengers' interests. Maria received a PhD in Law degree for her thesis "Compensation of moral damage inflicted on passengers within air carriage under the Russian and foreign legislation". She is the author of a number of publications on this topic.

Partner, PhD in Law


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+7 (499) 145-33-79
Fax: +7(495) 956-22-45
Address: 121309 Moscow,
Barklaya street 17
© Sokolov, Maslov & Partners, 2024