Corporate law
Lawyers of Sokolov, Maslov and Partners effectively solve a wide range of issues in the field of corporate law, which helps our clients to successfully develop their business.

Services provided in the field of corporate law include:

• the creation, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities of various organizational and legal forms;
• due diligence in purchase and sale of companies, risk analysis;
• legal support of investment transactions, including those related to investments of foreign clients in Russia and of Russian clients abroad;
• support of mergers and acquisitions;
• development of recommendations on business restructuring;
• analysis of the company's management system and development of recommendations for its improvement;
• analysis or preparation of the company's incorporating documents, corporate transactions, shareholder agreements;
• support of securities transactions;
• representation of interests of shareholders and company members at general meetings, as well as preparation and organization of general meetings, amicable settlement of corporate conflicts;
• handling of corporate disputes.

Sokolov, Maslov and Partners specialists working in corporate law minimize legal and financial risks at all stages of the company's activities.

Corporate law

Sanctions advisory services
The US, EU, UK, Canada, Switzerland and others have imposed an unprecedented package of sanctions in response to the situation in Ukraine. We are closely tracking the sanctions on Russia and its response and have set out a summary of some of the key sanctions that have been implemented.


Address: 121309 Moscow,
Barklaya street 17
Теl.: +7 (499) 145-21-30;
+7 (499) 145-33-79
Fax: +7(495) 956-22-45
© Sokolov, Maslov & Partners, 2024