Sergey Seliverstov, Ivan Gudkov

Energy Law in Europe:

Energy Law in Russia
National, EU and International Regulation
Energy Law in Europe: National EU and International Regulation is a classical academic edition published by Oxford University Press. The book comprises chapters written by the world's leading legal scholars dedicated to the general issues of international regulation of energy activities, energy trade and investments law, the extensive domain of the EU energy law, as well as the regulation of the energy sector in ten key jurisdictions around Europe.

The third edition of the book published in 2016 for the first time contains the chapter dedicated to the Russian energy law. The authors – the partner of Sokolov, Maslov and Partners Sergey Seliverstov and the deputy head of division of the legal department of Gazprom Ivan Gudkov – have undertaken an in-depth system analysis of the legal regulation of different aspects of the energy sector in Russia. The chapter covers the following key issues:

  • Organization of the Energy Sector;
  • Exploration for and Production of Oil, Gas, Coal, and Uranium;
  • Oil Supply;
  • Gas Supply;
  • Electricity Supply;
  • Energy Networks;
  • Energy and Consumers;
  • Heat Supply;
  • Nuclear Energy;
  • Renewable Energy Sources;
  • Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings;
  • Climate Change and Emissions Trading.

Energy Law in Europe: National, EU and International Regulation; Oxford University Press; 3 edition.
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